Introduction to Offshore Engineering
The course will begin by introducing the many different types of offshore structures. Following this, it will then introduce the sea loads on the structures which will be required to calculate the structural response. For the loading, the added mass force and Froude Krylov force will be calculated. Design of mooring system will then be done. Finally, the component design of beam columns and stiffened plated structure will be covered, including some codified rules.
Engineers and scientists involved in the design, operation and assessment of offshore structures.
Day 1
09.00 – 10.30 Lecture 1: Overview of offshore structures
Dr Wenxian Yang
10.30 – 10.45 Break
10.45 – 12.15 Lecture 2: Sea waves and wave theory
Dr Wenxian Yang
12.15 -13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 15.00 Lecture 3: Added mass force and Froude Krylov force
Dr Wenxian Yang
15.00 – 15.30 Break
15.30 – 17.00 Lecture 4: Dynamics of offshore floating structures
Dr Wenxian Yang
Day 2
09.00 – 10.30 Lecture 5: Design of bottom-fixed offshore foundation
Dr Wenxian Yang
10.30 – 10.45 Break
10.45 – 12.15 Lecture 6: Design of mooring system
Dr Wenxian Yang
12.15 -13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 15.00 Lecture 7: Ultimate Strength of Beam Column
Prof Purnendu Das
15.00 – 15.30 Break
15.30 – 17.00 Lecture 8: Ultimate Strength of Plated Structures
Prof Purnendu Das
Lecture 1: Overview of offshore structures
Introduction of different types of bottom-fixed and floating offshore structures
Lecture 2: Sea waves and wave theory
The concept of return period, description and evaluation methods of waves, properties of different
types of waves, wave statistics, the concept of Response amplitude operator, the motions of floating
wind turbine in sea waves, and linear wave theory.
Lecture 3: Added mass force and Froude Krylov force
Added mass, added mass force, Froude-Keylov force, Morrison equation
Lecture 4: Dynamics of offshore floating structures
Introduction of different types of waves, dynamics of offshore floating structure
Lecture 5: Design of bottom-fixed offshore foundation
Bearing capacity of footing, sliding resistance capability of footing, safe design of bottom-fixed
offshore foundation
Lecture 6: Design of mooring system
Introduction of the types of catenary mooring systems, requirements of their design, the design
method of catenary mooring system. Finally, use an example to explain the method of how to assess
the safety of a catenary mooring system in real life.
Lecture 7: Ultimate Strength of Beam Column
Plastic analysis of beams, strength of columns and beam columns, codified rules
Lecture 8: Ultimate Strength of Plated Structures
Buckling of unstiffened and stiffened plates, post buckling strength, load combinations, codified rules
Dr Wenxian Yang:
Dr Wenxian Yang obtained his PhD degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1999. He is currently a
Senior Lecturer in offshore renewable energy at Newcastle University. Dr Yang is a chartered engineer, the Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy, the member of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, the Institution of Engineering and Technology, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. With expertise in marine and offshore renewable energy, he has consistently strived to lower the Cost of Energy of offshore renewable power by developing various approaches using the knowledge in multiple disciplines, e.g. increasing availability and reducing operation and maintenance cost of offshore wind turbines by developing advanced condition monitoring techniques; assuring the safety of the fixed foundation of offshore wind turbines by designing and developing countermeasure devices against scour caused by tidal current; improving the power generation efficiency of wind and tidal turbine by developing biomimetic airfoil/hydrofoil technologies; increasing the economic return of offshore floating wind turbines by developing motion-stable floating platform technologies. Recently, in order to meet the urgent requirement by the rapidly growing offshore wind market, Dr Yang’s research interest is also extended to addressing the challenging issues existing in the design and application of offshore wind farm support vessels. For example, in view of the unsatisfactory seakeeping performance of offshore wind farm crew transfer vessel, he has developed a new costeffective technique dedicatedly for stabilizing wind farm crew transfer vessels; to enable quickly access to those offshore wind turbines located at far offshore distance whilst costing less fuel and achieving better seakeeping performance, he developed a number of innovative ship design techniques and successfully supervised 6 postgraduate research theses to address the issue. In 2017, his research on the ageing issues of wind turbine components and assemblies was identified by Renewable Energy Global Innovation as a key contribution to the excellence in renewable and clean energy research. Besides these, Dr Yang endeavours to develop research in the cutting edge area of renewable energy also through collaborating with the scientists and experts working in different fields. For example, he worked together with the material and chemical engineering scientists of the universities of Newcastle, Durham and Northumbria and successfully established the ‘Northeast Centre for Energy Materials’ funded by EPSRC in 2017. So far, Dr Yang has published over 100 papers in top journals. According to the latest survey of Google Scholar, his papers have been cited 1652 times since 2014. Dr Yang’s successful research has also attracted great interest from industrial partners. For example, Dr Yang was funded by Innovate UK to lead a 3-year Knowledge Transfer project (2014-2017) in order to help Offshore Renewable Energy CATAPULT Centre (ORE-CATAPULT) to improve the safe operation of their offshore wind turbines. The project output annually brings ORE-CATAPULT about £300k more revenue. In the meantime, Dr Yang is also active in other academic activities.
Prof Purnendu Das
Purnendu Das. BE, ME, PhD, C.Eng, C.MarEng, FRINA, FIStructE, FIMarEST has been the
Director of ‘ASRANet Ltd’ (an ISO 9001-2008 certified company) since February 2006. He retired as
a Professor of Marine Structures in the Department of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering at the University of Strathclyde, UK in September 2011. Past EU projects were MARSTRUCT (a network of excellence on Marine Structure) and SHIPDISMANTL (a cost effective and environmentally friendly dismantling of ship structures). Past industrial projects included work from the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE), MoD UK, Subsea-7 UK, Shell, Woodgroup and US Navies etc. He was the principal investigator of many EPSRC projects. Before joining the University of Glasgow in 1991 he worked with British Maritime Technology as Principal Structural Engineer (1984-91). He is the author of more than 250 publications, including contract reports and more than 60 journal papers and is a member of the editorial boards of the ‘Journal of Marine Structures’, ‘Journal of Ocean and Ship Technology’ and ‘Journal of Ocean and Climate System’ and the Journal of Ship Mechanics amongst others. His areas of research include limit state design and analysis & reliability analysis of ship & offshore structures. Purnendu Das has wide ranging industrial and academic contacts and has advised and supervised 20 PhD students, to his credit. Details of visits and collaborations include his various sabbatical study periods spent at University of California, Berkeley, USA (July – September 1996), at Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (August 1997), Kockums Ltd (July 1998) and spent some time at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon (July 2000). He is running about 20 CPD courses which are attracting many people from different industries. These courses are on ‘Fatigue & Fracture Analysis’, ‘Ships at Sea’, ‘Advanced Analysis and Design of Offshore Structures’, ‘Offshore Floating System Design’, ‘Structural Response under Fire and Blast Loading’ and ‘Design of Pipelines and Risers’ amongst others. He was a member of ISSC (International Ship and Offshore Structure Congress) for the periods of 1991-97 and 2003-2006. He was a member of the OMAE (Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering) Organising Committee on ‘Safety and Reliability’. He is running about 15 biennial international conferences on various themes like Risk, Reliability, Advanced Analysis & Design of Engineering Structures, including marine structures. He was a member of the “Research Committee” of Structural Engineers (IStructE) during 2012-2015. He was a visiting Professor at IST Surabaya, Indonesia from July 2015 for one year. He is now a visiting professor at the Wuhan University of Technology, China from July 2016.
Duration: 2 Days
Cost: £750 + VAT
Introduction to Offshore Engineering in Scotland, Inverness, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dunfermline and other sites throughout the UK including onsite closed company courses are available.