Finite Element in Marine Structures

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Marine Structures Training


Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is considered as one of the most powerful tools in the assessment of strength of engineering structures, but in order to make use of this tool it is necessary to have background knowledge of the underlying theory. This course is aimed at engineers, of various disciplines, who intend to use the commercially available FEA Packages to analyse structure. Participants are assumed to have knowledge of the basic principles of structural mechanics. Some knowledge of FEM is an advantage, but not essential.

The syllabus will include: General overview of the technique, Finite element types (bars, beams, 2D, 3D, plate and shell elements) and their derivation via constant and higher order shape functions, pre and post processing, basic terminology, range of applications, basic introduction to materials modelling. Multidimensional FE modelling; Constitutive models in FE codes; FE model development; Assembly of stiffness matrices, loading and boundary conditions, material models, convergence; Advanced FE techniques; Modelling of 2D and 3D problems, buckling, non-linear analysis, advanced non-linear material models including failure and damage, explicit methods for dynamic problems; FE modelling accuracy, efficient mashing techniques, convergence and model verification.

Engineers and scientists involved in the design, operation and assessment of both onshore and offshore structures and their associated equipment. Personnel from oil companies, consultancy organisations, classification societies and certifying authorities will benefit from attending this course.


Day 1

08.30- 09.00 Delegate Registration
09.00- 10.30 Lecture 1: Review of matrix structural analysis – Prof. C.Pearce
10.30-10.45 Break
10.45-12.15 Lecture 2: Introduction to finite element – Prof. C. Pearce
12.15-13.30 Lunch
13.30-15.00 Lecture 3: Further finite elements – Prof. C. Pearce
15.15-15.30 Break
15.30-17.00 Lecture 4: Introduction to Strand 7 software – Prof. C. Pearce

Day 2

09.00-11.00 Lecture 5: Introduction to Non-linear Computational Modelling in Structural Mechanics – Prof. C. Pearce
11.00-11.15 Break
11.15-12.45 Lecture 6: Non-linear FEA and Solution Schemes – Prof. C. Pearce
12.45-14.15 Lunch
14.15-15.30 Lecture 7: Overview of non-linear problems – Prof. C. Pearce
15.30-15.45 Break
15.45-17.00 Lecture 8: Strand 7 Application – Prof. C. Pearce
Wednesday 4 June 2014
09.00 –10.15 Lecture 9: Application to Offshore Structure 1 – (lecturer to confirm)
10.15-10.30 Break
10.30- 11.45 Lecture 10: – Application to Offshore Structure 11 – (Lecturer to confirm)
11.45-13.15 Lunch
13.15-14.45 Lecture 11: Application to Ship Structure 1 – (Lecturer to confirm)
14.45-15.00 Break
15.00-17.00 Lecture 12: Application to Ship Structure 11 – (Lecturer to confirm)
17.00 Closure


Chris Pearce is a Professor of Computational Mechanics. He has graduated from the University of Wales Swansea in Civil Engineering in 1992, followed by an MSc and PhD from the same University. My PhD was on “Computational Plasticity in Concrete Failure Mechanics”. His first academic appointment was as a lecturer at the University of Glasgow. He was promoted to senior lecturer in 2005, to Reader in 2008 and to Professor in 2010. He is currently Head of the Infrastructure and Environment Research Division and Convenor of Research for the School of Engineering. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers and a Chartered Engineer.
His major research interests are in computational mechanics. These currently include multi-scale modelling of heterogeneous materials, modelling of quasi-brittle materials and fracture, modelling of coupled problems, computational biomechanics and high performance computing.

Duration: 3 Days

Cost: £650 + VAT

Finite Element in Marine Structures Training Aberdeen, Glasgow, Inverness, Edinburgh, Dunfermline and other sites throughout the UK including onsite closed company courses are available.

Finite Element in Marine Structures Training Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, India, Ghana and Nigeria is also available.

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