Accredited NEC3 Supervisor Training
The ECC Supervisor Accreditation is designed to equip delegates with the skills necessary to be able to fulfil the role of a Supervisor using the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC). The programme is part of unique suite of accreditations for those undertaking managerial roles within NEC3 projects and contracts.
Acting independently of the Project Manager, Supervisors are responsible for monitoring, testing and defects, and checking compliance with the Works Information.
It is essential that those undertaking this role are sufficiently experienced, so they can understand and identify all its requirements. Depending on the size and nature of the works, an employer might need to appoint a clerk of works or inspector for this role.
Why Enrol?
- The only NEC3 ECC Supervisor accreditation available – a unique opportunity; recognised by employers and setting you apart from your peers
- Offers complete clarity on the roles and duties of an ECC Supervisor
- Gives ECC Supervisors real skills and tools to execute their roles
- Highly interactive, with emphasis on scenario planning and teaching through case studies
- Peer reviewed course content and expert delivery from an NEC3 specialist
- On successful completion of the programme, you will receive a unique accreditation as an NEC3 ECC Supervisor and entry onto the Register for Accredited NEC Professionals, held by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)
The programme fee includes:*
- Complimentary copy of the Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC) and its associated Guidance Notes
- Online training modules, classroom training days, and final assessments
- Certificate of Accreditation with NEC on successful completion of all parts of the programme
*Fees and particulars for in-house versions of this programme are negotiated on an individual basis, tailored to your requirements. Select the In-house icon above to complete an online enquiry form.
This advanced level accreditation programme has been developed for anyone who is, or has an interest in becoming, the Supervisor of an NEC3 ECC project. Delegates will include:
- Current or aspiring ECC Supervisors
- Clerks of works
- Construction inspectors
- Architectural technicians
The programme comprises 3 parts:
Part 1 – Online training*
This is composed of 2 modules:
- Introduction to the ECC
- Role of the ECC Supervisor
These modules, along with their embedded assessments must be completed before you can attend the classroom training sessions.
Part 2 – Classroom training
This part of the programme is delivered over 2 days.
Sessions begin at 09:00 and finish at 17:00. Refreshments and lunch are included in the programme.
Day 1
- Role of the Supervisor and others
- Communication Protocols
- Delegation of Duties
- Using Works Information
- Working with Subcontractors
Day 2
- Early Warnings
- Accepted Programmes
- Contract Data
- Compensation Events
- Testing and Defects
- Title
- Dispute Resolution
Part 3 – Final assessment
Assessment 1
Online multiple choice question paper
Assessment 2
Written project report
Once you have successfully completed all elements of the programme, you will be an Accredited NEC3 ECC Supervisor, and eligible for inclusion on the ICE Register for Accredited NEC Professionals.
Cost: £879 + VAT