Cascading Style Sheets Essentials (CSS)

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Duration: 2 Days

Course Overview

Cascading Style Sheets provide a powerful way of formatting web pages and web page elements. The use of CSS creates pages that can be easily styled and updated. In this course delegates are introduced to the coding of CSS for web pages and work with CSS for positioning as well as for the creation of alternate media style sheets.


Before taking this course, students should be familiar with the basic functions of their computer’s operating system A working knowledge of HTML 4.01 would be an advantage.
Course Contents
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
·                Designing with Style Sheets
Controlling Color and Typography
·                Create an Embedded Style Sheet
·                Apply Color
·                Comment Your Code
·                Modify Text Styles
·                Modify Font Styles
·                Create a Linked Style Sheet
Designing with the Cascade
·                Create Class Styles
·                Create ID Styles
·                Create Contextual Styles
·                Target Styles to Elements with Specific Attributes
·                Create Style Sheets that Cascade
·                Import Style Sheets
·                Create Inline Styles
Designing Content Sections
·                Control Margins and Padding
·                Create Borders
·                Control Element Dimensions
·                Create Floating Elements
·                Control Content Overflow
Controlling Layout with Positioning
·                Controlling Layout with Absolute Positioning
·                Create a Fixed, Multi-column Layout
·                Create a Fluid, Multi-column Layout
·                Control Layout with Relative Positioning
·                Control the Display of Layered Elements
·                Apply Fixed Positioning
Enhancing an Existing Design
·                Customize Cursors
·                Customize Link Styles
·                Customize Forms
·                Display and Manipulate Background Images
·                Customize Lists
·                Create Generated Content
Creating Alternate Style Sheets
·                Create Accessible Style Sheets
·                Apply User-Defined System Fonts and Colors
·                Create a Print Style Sheet
Cost: £595 + VAT
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