Module 1 – An Introduction to Gateway Two for Key Decisions and Review for HRBs

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 Module 1 – An Introduction to Gateway Two for Key Decisions and Review for HRBs

Module 1 Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the purpose of Gateway 2
  • Know what documentation is required by who and when
  • Timelines expected by the BSR
  • Associated charges for applications

Module 1:

Understanding Gateway 2 – Planning and Preparing to Start the Construction Phase and Building Work

Section 1: What the Law Demands 

  • Relevant legal requirements
  • The full plans the specification, as well as other schedules to describe the Building Works. Basic overview of the duties of the duty holders and competence of the Designers, Principal.

Section 2: Best practice and thinking differently 

  • Specific duties of the duty holders and competence of the Designers, Principal Designer, Principal Contractor or Contractor who is responsible for carrying out this activity in relation to the Design Work and proposed building work.
  • Use of a design responsibility RACI matrix chart.

Section 3: How the HSE’s BSR will operate 

  • Key documentation to agree, develop and submit to the BSR.
  • HSE’s BSR Function and expected time frame.
  • Building Work related to a Major or Notifiable Change should not start until the BSR are informed.
  • BSR fees and charges

Duration: 1 Day

Cost: £325 + Vat



Gateway 2 and 3 Training Course – Building Safety Regulations

Gateway 2 and 3 Training Course – Building Safety Regulations

Gateway 2 and 3 Training Course – Building Safety Regulations

Gateway 2 and 3 Training Course – Building Safety Regulations

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