Adobe Photoshop CS6 Advanced

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Duration: 1 Day
Course Overview
In this course you will work with advanced image handling tools and features available in Photoshop CS6
Before taking this course, delegates should have completed the Adobe Photoshop CS5 – Essentials course or have equivalent knowledge of Photoshop
Course Contents
Getting started

Image copyrights
Digital images
The Photoshop environment
Getting help

Working with image selections

Selection techniques
Modifying selections

Working with layers

Creating layers
Modifying layers
Using type layers
Using layer effects

Adjusting images

Image modes
Hue and saturation adjustments
Levels adjustments

Retouching images

Repairing image defects
Removing image areas
Using filters

Resizing images

Image resolution
Image canvas size

Preparing finished images

Images for Web use
Images for print use
Printing images
Importing images 

Fills and overlays

Filling image areas
Gradients and patterns
Layer overlays


Mask channels
Layer masks
Grayscale masks
Clipping masks and type masks

Vector paths

Creating vector paths
Editing vector paths
Vector masks
Paths for creative imagery

Creative image effects

Painting effects
Efficient compositing
Vanishing Point
Smart Filters

Automating tasks

Creating actions
Organizing actions
Batch processing
Customizing Photoshop

Cost: £295 + VAT

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